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  • Merry Christmas 2019

    Fri 20 Dec 2019

    I would like to thank all our children for so many fabulous performances this term; Weekly Assemblies, Nursery, Reception and Infant Nativity, KS2 Carol Concert and the Carol singing at Morrisons, Parklands Care home, Top Café, and St Walburge’s. The children and staff have all worked so hard to put on and take part in so many joyful celebrations for our school family.


    This last few weeks the children have enjoyed; a staff pantomime, Christmas markets, Christmas dress up, Christmas crafts, a visit from Santa and gifts from Cash for kids. They have been really ‘treated’ and it has been well deserved as they are working so hard and making good progress in their learning.


    Furthermore I would like to thank the amazing SJPS staff team. They are an incredibly passionate group of people who always put the children first. I would also like to thank the people who are behind the scenes, ensuring the high quality of provision at St Joseph’s, as a wonderful learning family:-


    •           The governors, for their clear direction and improvement plan for the school.

    •           The administrative staff for their excellent organisation in the office and providing support for parents.

    •           The lunchtime staff who made 284 Christmas dinners; and make wonderful meals daily to make sure all the pupils eat healthily and are well cared for.

    •           Mr Jimmy, Site Manager, and superb cleaners who make the school clean, safe and welcoming.

    •           The volunteers who give so generously of their time to support the children’s learning.


    Finally to you, the parents, without your commitment and support for your children, St Joseph’s would not be the place it is - you are wonderful! Thank you all so very much.


    We look forward to another magical term in 2020- a new decade!

    Have a joyful and peaceful Christmas.

    I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.


    Yours Sincerely



    Mrs Monaghan




    Please click on the links below to watch the highlights from our Staff Pantomime and our Reception Nativity  


    SJPS Pantomime


    Reception Nativity

  • SJPS Christmas card -Winning Design

    Wed 18 Dec 2019
    Congratulations to Nikola Oleksy (Y5) for her winning design for the official 2019 SJPS Christmas card.
  • Advent Service

    Thu 05 Dec 2019

    On Wednesday evening our parish schools of St John XXII celebrated Advent with a service of reading, songs and decoration of a Jesse tree to prepare us in our heart and minds for the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas.

    Well done to all the St Joseph’s school choir who sang so well and to Zosia for reading so perfectly.

    A lovely start to the Advent season.

  • Advent

    Tue 03 Dec 2019

    Advent is the season in which we, as Christians, prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas day. Each week we light the advent wreath to prepare for Jesus in our hearts and minds.


    The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent, and one candle is lit each week in Assembly.


    The first candle, which is purple, symbolizes hope. It is sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets, especially Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ.


    The second candle, also purple, represents faith. It is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.


    The third candle is pink and symbolizes joy.


    The final candle, also purple symbolizes peace. It is called the “Angel’s Candle,” It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”


    The wreath and candles are full of symbolism tied to the Christmas season. The wreath itself, which is made of various evergreens, signifies continuous life. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God and the everlasting life we find in Jesus.

  • Christmas Activities

    Mon 02 Dec 2019


    Christmas Activities 2019 at St Joseph’s

    Bring a Bauble – if children would like to bring in a bauble to decorate our Christmas tree then please send them into class week commencing 2nd December.


    We have arranged for the children to attend a Christmas Pantomime.  This will take place on 13th December in the afternoon.


    Christmas Crafts/Markets for each class will be on Monday 16th December in school during the day. The payment (as detailed below) will cover this and no additional money is needed on the day.


    Christmas Movie on Tuesday 17th December in school during the day


    Christmas Dress Up Day and Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday 19th December. Children can come to school dressed up however they like (superheroes, princesses, footballers, Christmas jumpers etc). Details and prices of the Christmas lunch will follow separately.


    Dates for other Christmas events including key stage advent services, nativities and carol concerts will be on the newsletter.



    In order for the above events to happen, we are asking for a contribution of £3 per child to cover the pantomime and markets.  This needs to be paid by PARENTPAY online or PAYPOINT by 6th December latest  Please see the office if you need assistance registering for PARENTPAY.

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