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School Meals

Our school meals are provided by Lancashire County Council and cooked on the school premises.

The school lunches operate on a three-week rotating menu.


Each day the children can choose a healthy and nutritious option (see menu) 


School meals are currently £2.60 per day, £13.00 a week.


All Reception and Key Stage 1 children are entitled to a universal infant-free school meal every day. If you think you are entitled to free school meals under the government entitlement scheme pupil premium please contact the school office.



Should your child decide to take school meals from Y3, and you are not entitled to Free School Meals, then meals will be charged at £2.60 per day.  It is expected that school meals will be paid for in advance via ParentPay and we advise that you always keep this account in credit.

Should the ParentPay account go into arrears then the school office will make contact with you via text message or letter to ask you to settle the debt.

If arrears of two weeks or more accrue then your child will no longer be provided with a school meal and you will be asked to supply a healthy packed lunch.

No child should be sent to school with money for a school meal and expect to be given a meal.

School meal arrears that remain unpaid despite the school's efforts to recover the money will be referred to the Lancashire County Council Debt Recovery Team.

Should you encounter any difficulties in paying for your child's school meals then please speak to the office.


School Meals Information for Reception to Year 2 (Polish)

Autumn & Winter Menu 2024-2025

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