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Today we learnt to tell the time.  We looked at the o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.  I even challenged them to read the time to the nearest 5 minutes.  Some children even managed to the nearest minute.  I was very impressed.  Take a look at the children setting times for each other and them in turn solving the time set by their partner.


We had a brilliant day today identifying and creating fractions.  There was a 'Fraction Museum' filled with fractions the children created from straws, playdough, blocks, beads and many other items.  It was lots of fun.  A group also found out the fractions of the different colour smarties in a tube.  I think that some of them disappeared into little mouths. sad

This week we have been looking at the names and properties of 3D shapes.  We also sorted 3D shapes into different categories. Take a look at the photos !!



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