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As part of our PNEFC Community link, we were invited to Deepdale for a stadium tour and for some party games to celebrate the achievements of the children in the recent SAT’s tests.

On Friday, the children enjoyed a mindfulness session. We took part in some yoga, including exercises to help with our emotions.

Our Science topic is the Circulatory System. Year 6 dissected sheep’s hearts to help them identify the parts of the heart. They then explained the function of the heart.

The children were treated to some glow in the dark fun with UV dodgeball in PE this week.

The children enjoyed a trip to UCLAN, where they took part in a policing and forensic session. The children had to solve a crime by looking at E-FIT’s, CCTV footage, fingerprints and shoeprints. What a fantastic set of detectives they were!

This week, the children made sculptures based on ‘people in action’. The children took inspiration from Antony Gormley for their creations.

In Science, the children have been learning about adaptation. The children used different items that represented different bird beaks and used them to collect food. Working in teams, they did a relay race to see which beak was best for which food type. Ask your child what they learnt from the activity and the impact it might have on the bird species.

In RE, Year 6 have been looking at justice. Based on Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “I have a dream” speech, the children responded to this with the “dream” they have. This is Magda’s response.

Maheer, Amber and Magda created some outstanding double-page-spreads on the Ancient Maya.

Our new display showing our art work which was inspired by Kandinsky and the Ancient Maya.

On All Saints’ Day, Year 6 celebrated by learning “Oh when the Saints”.

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Year 6 have been enjoying Spanish lessons with Miss Collardo from Christ the King. Ask your child what they have learnt.

We have been using Kandinsky to inspire our abstract art pieces. Here are some wonderful efforts the children have created to represent different things.

We investigated the impact voltage had on a bulb. Ask your child what they found out.


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We created a human circuit to create music.

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Year 6 looked at symbols used for electrical circuits. They had to create circuits based on the diagrams which used symbols.

We enjoyed a fantastic morning at Christ the King. Ask your child what activities they completed.

Year 6 are archaeologists! Year 6 used primary sources to find out more about the Ancient Maya people. Ask your child what they discovered.

Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon exploring the Maya Civilisation.

PNEFC Community Trust will be delivering a ‘Headstart’ session every week this half term. The programme will help the children explore their mental health and prepare for high school.

Year 6 have been recapping the key skills in reading. Ask your child what VIPERS stands for.

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