Since our topic is the Romans we are writing a non chronological report about them. Take a look at the photos which reveal how busy the children have been researching facts on the computer and in books. The children look engrossed in what they are doing. I am looking forward to the final results.
At the end of the Spring Term we have begun to look at the features of play scripts including setting descriptions, characters and stage directions. Please take a look at the class 'performing' the 'Three Little Pigs' and practising for 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.
Stig of the Dump
Today we used improvisation to act out scenes between Barney and Stig. The children were told that as Stig could not speak English they could not talk and the messages they had to convey to their partner had to be done in silence. The children found this hard at first using only facial expressions and hand gestures but after a while there was silence at last in the Year 3/4 classroom. Amazing!!