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Learning about Light

Children have used a piece of sting to demonstrate how light travels in straight lines to our eyes.

Children were visited by a range of animals who are native to the Amazon rainforest. They learnt about how these creatures were adapted to life in the jungle. Some children (and teachers!) were very brave and held some of the creatures. 

Branching Database: Today we have been sorting and classifying chocolates to create a branching database using yes or no response questions.

Circuit Making

Still image for this video
Overcoming problems in a circuit: A group trying to light two bulbs in a series circuit and testing to see which component is not working.

Simple Circuits

Peter Kay: Biscuit Dunking Challenge! We put our science skills to the test with this fair test, as we proved Peter Kay surprisingly wrong .... the Rich Tea Biscuit is in fact a good dunker. It took an average of 24 dunks before it broke, compared to the hobnob which took 8. 😲

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