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Wednesday 20th January 2021

PE With Joe 2021

Last week's session

To answer vocabulary and explanation questions

Guided Reading 20th January.mp4

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To use conjunctions with subordinate clauses

Wednesday 20.1.21 English.mp4

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Spelling Practice

Your spellings this week are: cheque, antique, grotesque, unique, catalogue, league, tongue, dialogue, fatigue and colleague

You can either practise the spellings by clicking on the link below or selecting an activity from the Spelling Menu document below.

Maths - Multiplication and Division

Watch the video and answer the questions on the attached document.

To understand the Roman Invasions on Britain

Play the video at the bottom of the page Invasions – Julius Caesar and Claudius.

Open the attachment Romans Lesson 2.

Task 1: Draw Caesar and Claudius. Write three facts about each invader.

Task 2: Answer the questions: Why was Claudius’ invasion of Britain more successful that Caesars?

Play Video – Invasions Boudicca.

Listen to the Horrible Histories Boudicca song

   Task 3: Imagine that you are Boudicca. Draw a picture of her and draw 3 speech bubbles and write down what you would say to the Romans.

Invasions- Ceasar and Claudius.mp4

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