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We had a fantastic time at The Lowry Theatre and Art Gallery watching "The Boy at the Back of the Classroom" and exploring the fantastic paintings of L.S.Lowry

In design technology we have been exploring how to make strong structures for our Anderson Shelters

We had a great day celebrating World Book Day 2024. The children learned lots about a range of inspirational people from the fantastic books: Little People, Big Dreams

Farmer Martin came to visit SJPS

In our Science lesson today, we created the different phases of the moon using Oreo cookies.

Barrier games in geography to locate some of the cities in the United Kingdom

In our English lessons we have written our own adventure story linked to our class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We have focussed on uplevelling our vocabulary and using punctuation for parenthesis. The children enjoy sharing their work with everyone under the visualiser

We started our writing unit by learning part of our adventure story using pictures and actions.

We read the poem: ‘Why wear a poppy’ written by Don Crawford. It is a very emotional poem and taught us the importance of the poppy and Remembrance Day. We have then created our own poppies as a memorial to all the soldiers who have given their life for us.

In Spanish, we have been learning how to order food in a Spanish cafe.

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Improving our reading fluency by focussing on vocabulary, expression and reading speed.

We started our geography unit this week by recapping the countries that make up the United Kingdom, along with their capitals. We also explored the difference between the British Isles, United Kingdom and Great Britain

Clapping rhythms in music

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In science, we looked at how some plants reproduce asexually and we planted some of these to hopefully see the different ways such as tubers, bulbs and runners.

In history, we worked in partners to research all about what life was like in Anglo Saxon Britain, compared to life in Roman Britain

October is the month of Mary and we have been praying the rosary each day in class

In Spanish week, we learned how to dance like a flamenco dancer.

In science, we disected flowers to identify the parts and their function. We used this to get a better understanding of how flowering plants reproduce

It’s that time of year again where we write our school council speeches and hope that we are voted onto the school council for this academic year

And the votes are in. Well done to our newly appointed year 5 school councillors

Timestable Rockstar Winners for two weeks running

We love our Friday cornet sessions.

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In music, we always start our lessons by clapping rhythms and talking about different musical elements such as beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo and timbre

In history, we put the periods of British history in chronological order.

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