Home Page

Reception B

Mrs E Darbyshire

Welcome to Reception!


Welcome to Reception's class page. This is where you will some find key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment.

We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch your child's individual achievements blossom, throughout the year. 

A main focus for Reception, this year, is Reading. You will hear all staff and children talk about reading daily. We have high expectations at our school and it is our goal to ensure your child is able to read before they leave Reception. Therefore, we expect your child to read at home every night to help give them the best start to their school life.

If you need to contact us for any reason, please don't hesitate to come and see somebody in our team before or after school. You can contact me on class dojo if you have any questions.


Mrs Darbyshire and Miss Steele

Important Information


Reading books need to be returned every day, and read with at home. We will change the books once your child has read 3 times with an adult at home. Please sign your child's reading diary each time you read at home. 


Water Bottles-Please send your child with a named bottle containing only water every day. 


P.E. day is Thursday. P.E. kit needs to be in school by Thursday 12th September.


Library books will be changed once a week on a Wednesday

We have had lots of fun in the last 2 weeks in reception. We had toast for snack on Friday when we learnt tiger and toast begins with t.

We've had 1 5 8 3 7 9 Visitors