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If you are ever lost - ask your child for help !!  The children were given maps and atlases and they need to search for the UK and then the cities in the UK.  Some of them were successful but some of them needed a little help.
Bits of paper, I think, will still be found in the Year 3/4 classroom at the end of the year!! The children have been cutting up pieces of coloured paper to use to create mosaics.  Wonderful pictures were produced.

Erupting Volcanoes

The title speaks for itself.  Erupting volcanoes occurred in our classroom today.  Using a combination of ingredients, the children were amazed and excited to see the volcanoes exploding.  You can see in their faces that they enjoyed the lesson.

An incredible set of stones.  The children discovered facts about Stonehenge and then they were given the challenge of recreating Stonehenge from different materials.

Stone Age Cave Art

'The Stone Age to the Romans' is our first topic in Year 3/4.  The children have learnt about the Stone Age people and how they lived.  In the photos you will see the children painting stone age art using sticks.  This hopefully gave them a clearer idea of how the painting was done rather than using a paintbrush.
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