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Year 3- Miss Ostranica

Miss Ostranica

WOW! I can’t believe it is the Summer term already.


Here is some key information about our summer term.

Our English topic-The mouse Hole cat

science- Teeth and the digestive system.

topic- Europe (concentrating on Italy) 


We also have swimming on Wednesday mornings and 

Trumpet lessons on Friday afternoons. 


Key information 

- Children can now bring in their own snack for morning play, this needs to be a suitable snack for school such as a piece of fruit or a biscuit.

- Children should be reading at home every night. Reading is very important for your child's learning! 

- Homework will be given every Friday and will need to be handed in for the following Thursday. The homework will include a list of spellings for your child to learn ready for the Friday morning spelling test. 



Our RE work on display

Monday 19th March- St. Joseph’s day celebrations. We had lots of fun this afternoon building fires, completing crafts and enjoying the prayer labyrinth.

World book day- Here are some of our fantastic costumes 📚

Thursday8th February- story telling week. We had lots of fun in our pjs, reading and hearing lots of different stories this afternoon.

Tuesday 9th January 2018- WOW! What a fun filled day. Today Mr. Egypt gave us an Egyptian themed day full of facts and stories. Look at more pictures on our Topic page.

Friday 15th December- OH NO! Mr. Frosty the elf has been stolen! 🎅🏽

Friday 15th December- Today we had fun in art. We created 3D skulls, experimenting with surface texture. We looked at the work of Damien Hirst.

17th November- Anti Bullying week. Today we thought about what Bullying is, what we can do about it and how it makes people feel. We created Anti Bullying posters.

Year 3 wet play fun

PJ day- 13th November- children really enjoyed wearing their pyjamas to school, raising lots of money for Children in need! This afternoon we researched what a good bedtime routine looks like, from reading a book in bed to brushing your teeth for two minutes. We had lots of fun acting out our Bedtime routine.

Thursday 26th October- Maths day- Today we had a square themed day. Look on our maths page for more information and pictures.

Tuesday 24th October- We have recycled old bottles, we made them in to sweet bags for trick or treating. 🎃👻

Monday 16th October- We had lots of fun on our school trip to the Manchester science and industry museum! Look on our science page for more pictures.

4th October- This afternoon Cbeebies came to tell us all about their new programme, all about re using material and things around the house.

29th September- cake over load in year 3 this afternoon! Following on from this mornings coffee morning and Genes for Jeans day, we had some fun making blue icing.

Friday 29th September- Macmillan ballon race. We wonder where they will land...🤔😁🎈

A laugh a day!

Still image for this video
In year 3 we have ' A laugh a day' were children can tell the rest of the class a funny joke! We listen to one joke a day, so children must think of the funniest one they know...

18th September -On Mondays we have a visitor from PNE. He speaks to us all about living a healthy life style. Today we were discussing the different food groups and well balanced meals.

In year 3 we work together and play together. We work hard.

We've had 1 5 8 3 7 9 Visitors