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Year 5 - Mr Wignall

Class teacher- Mr Wignall

Teaching Assistant- Miss Member 


Welcome Year 5,


It's the start of a new (and hopefully more normal) school year. I have enjoyed getting to know you on the first day back and am looking forward to working with all of you. 



This term, we are looking at the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, including the story of Beowulf. In Science we are looking at how different living things grow and reproduce. 


  • P.E. for Year 5 is on a Monday afternoon.
  • Homework will go out on Fridays and is expected back on Wednesdays. This is to allow time on Monday and Tuesday for children to seek help if they need it. 
  • All children will be provided with reading books and will be expected to read with an adult outside of school. Please sign your children's reading record books to indicate that you have listened to them read.


If there are any enquiries, I am available before and after school. 





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