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Wednesday 3rd February 2021


 Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Miss Heys

9:00 am

Join in with Joe’s P.E. session below.

Guided Reading

David Attenborough

LO: To answer vocabulary and inference questions.

Watch the teaching video below Guided Reading 3.2.21

Open the attachment Wednesday 3rd February Guided Reading.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To use subtitles.

Watch the video below 3.2.21 English

Open the attachment Wednesday 3rd February English

Look at each paragraph in the non-chronological reports. Create an appropriate subtitle for each paragraph.


Introduction of new rule




Words ending in -ture

These words sound like they end in ‘chuh’ but it is actually spelt ‘ture’.



Open the Spelling worksheet below and complete the activity.


LO: To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 8 x 4 =

2. Subtract 284 from 916.

3. What is 55 more than 870?

4. How many days are in 2 weeks?

5. 8 x 7 =


Watch the video below explaining how to multiply 2-digits by 1-digit.

Open the attachment Maths 3.2.21.

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.


. LO: To understand the importance of Hadrian’s Wall to the Romans.

Follow the link to watch the video about Hadrian’s wall.

Open the attachment The Romans- Hadirian’s Wall and read the information on the sheet.

Open the attachment Wednesday 3rd February History


Complete the activities using the information that you have learnt


Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Life Skill


Do some dusting in your home – shelves, table, ornaments etc…

Book Time

Read one of your own books.

PE With Joe 2021

Guided Reading 3.2.21.mp4

Still image for this video

3.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

L.O: To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Watch the video below to learn how to multiply 2-digits by 1-digit and then complete the worksheet.

Children's Mental Health Week

Random Acts of Kindness 

Celebrating kindness is important because we know everyone can use more kindness in their lives. Scientific evidence shows us the positive effects of doing kind acts for others as well as receiving or even witnessing kindness. Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life and make us feel better about ourselves too.


Today's activity is to do at least 5 'Random Acts of Kindness. There is a suggested list below but you can think of your own

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