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Imagine that!

Here are some pictures from our school trip. We completed lots of learning tasks from making slime to painting fridge magnets. We had lots of fun exploring the science area and in the imagination centre. 

Traditional Tales 

We have been reading and learning all about traditional tales. We used thought about The 3 little pigs as we tested materials to see which are the strongest and weakest. 

We have also set up our 'role play' area as The 3 bears cottage.

Traditional tales



To end our Birthday topic, we have a birthday party for Kipper the dog. We write bake a cake following our instructions, make jam sandwiches and prepare the food we bought from the shop. We have lots of fun dancing, singing and playing party games. 

Kipper's Birthday.



We having been discussing birthday parties and celebrations. This week we are having a birthday party for Kipper the dog. Today we walked to the shop and bought items for the party. 

Roasting Marshmallows

Autumn Fun

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