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Year 3- Miss Baldeh

Miss Ostranica will the class teacher from September 2017


We really enjoyed teaming up with Mr Wignall's Year 5 class this half term!  They taught us about reversible and irreversible changes by helping us to make Alien Soup!  We followed their instructions to make the soup then they helped us to figure out if we could reverse the changes or not.  Lots of fun was had by all!

Lots of of fun has been had on the first day back, kicking of our Spring topic!  

We started by looking at the prehistoric site of Stonehenge, creating beautiful silhouette pictures, then we looked at and created some cave art. We had lots of fun getting under the tables imagining they were caves and trying to paint using Stone Age techniques!

Welcome To Year 3

Where our future is so bright you have to wear shades!!!


Hello, my name is Miss Baldeh and I am very happy to be the Year 3 teacher for another wonderful year at St Joseph's; supported in class by our lovely teaching assistant is Miss Allen. 

Miss Allen and I are looking forward to a fantastic year with the children; with lots of exciting topics and learning opportunities planned!!











Homework will be given on a weekly basis every Friday and will be expected to be returned the following Wednesday. Your children will receive a piece of Maths or English every week.  Times tables are an ongoing homework focus, each child has a target times table they are working on that is stuck into the front of their homework book.  All children complete a speed challenge on a Friday.

Alongside this we ask that the children read for a short amount of time each evening, this can be their home reading book, a book on bug club or any books or comics from home. 

Image result for the christmasaurus                                                                                                       Our new class Novel for this half term is going to be The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.  A great story involving magic, adventure and best of all Santa Clause!

Class Novel!

We are enjoying reading Georges Marvellous Medicine as our class novel at the moment.

The children are really interacting with the story well and loving all of the description of what happens to Granny! So watch out for any suspicious concoctions that appear in your houses!!

Geography- We have been looking at recognising our local area on different types of maps. This included: using clues to locate Preston on a U.K map, finding our homes and local landmarks as well as mapping our route to school!

Healthy Humans!


We went to Tesco in Leyland as part of our healthy humans topic.  We had lots of fun learning about how food is made from the different food groups, what food is good for us as well as getting to try some tasty samples!



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