Home Page

Wednesday 24th February

Work for today:


Zoom lesson at 11:00




Watch the video; I was at the seaside

 (the link is below)




Complete the worksheet  (below)




Copy the new tricky words in your spelling book


two years ago            last (week)




Phonics and reading on zoom at 1:00




Reading online




Practise lessons in Learning Village:

Time indicators and Days of the week




Watch phonics video ae sound




Copy the words in your spelling book




Practise ea sound in Learning Village



Zoom lesson at 11:00




Watch the video; I was at the seaside

 (the link is below)




Complete the worksheet  (below)




Copy the new tricky words in your spelling book


two years ago            last (week)




Phonics and reading on zoom at 1:00




Reading online




Practise lessons in Learning Village:

Time indicators and Days of the week




Watch phonics video ae sound




Copy the words in your spelling book




Practise ea sound in Learning Village



Complete the worksheet, page 1
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