Wednesday 26th January 2021 Miss Heys |
9:00 am |
Join in with P.E. with Joe below. |
Guided Reading |
Fantastic Mr Fox LO: To answer vocabulary and summary questions. Watch the teaching video below Guided Reading 27.1.21 Open the attachment Wednesday 27th January Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions. Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo. |
English |
LO: To edit punctuation to show types of sentences. Open the attachment Wednesday 27.1.21 English. Use what you have learnt this week to complete task one and two. Use the answer sheet to mark your work when you have finished. Send me your work on Class Dojo. |
Introduction of new rule
L.O: To use words with the suffix ‘ly’
We can add the suffix –ly to a root word to make an adverb. If the root word ends in ‘y’ then we change the y to an ‘i’ before adding ‘ly’. If the root word ends in ‘le’ then we change it to ‘ly’. If the root word ends in ‘ic’ then add ‘ally’.
Write out each word three times – once in your best handwriting, once in capital letters and once with your left hand. Then use each word in a funny sentence – make it as silly as you can.
Maths |
LO: To divide by 8 Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook. 1. 4 x 4 = 2. Calculate 523 add 24. 3. 4 x 5 = 4. Find the difference between 392 and 184. 5. 4 x 7 =
Main Teaching: Watch the video below explaining all about how to divide by 8. Open the attachment Maths 27.1.21. Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge. |
History |
LO: To explore how life in Britain changed because of the Roman Invasion. Play the video below Life in Roman Times Religion: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zqsygk7 Education: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z2fvr82 Food: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrnfb9q Open the attachment Life in Roman Britain Complete the tasks in your workbook. |
Purple Mash |
Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning |
Life Skill |
LIFE SKILL TIME Wash the dishes. |
Book Time |
Read your own book or listen to Mr Hicks read our Class Novel ‘Romans on the Rampage’ |