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Reception 1- Miss O'Brien

Welcome to our class page for Reception 1!

This year we are going to be really busy learning lots of new things, having lots of new experiences and, most importantly, having lots of fun! We hope that your child will be very happy in school and that they will settle in well. However, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to pop in and speak to us after school, or ring the office to make an appointment.

Your child’s teacher is Miss O’Brien and their Teaching Assistant is Mrs Kenyon.

Miss O'Brien


Our trip to St Anne’s beach

Making cakes and sandwiches for our Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Our caterpillars have turned into butterflies!

Making campfires!

After learning about the Easter story in class, we decided to act it out. The children really enjoyed learning about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Our Easter Stay and Play! Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came along to join in the fun!

Our class chicks! In class we have watched some eggs hatch, we learned about the life cycle of chickens and how to look after animals.

World Book Day

The Three Little Pigs

Still image for this video
We had great fun building our brick house, then the Big, Bad Wolf came to blow it down!

After reading ‘The Gruffalo’, we made Owl on toast!

Our storytelling week dress up day.

The Big Bad Wolf came into our classroom and made a big mess in our role play area! We are writing reports to help the police catch him!

Twinkle our naughty elf decided to decorate the Christmas tree with toilet paper last night!

Christmas activities in class!

An Elf called Twinkle has arrived in our classroom this weekend! He has been very busy making us a lovely Santa’s workshop and post office!


After reading the story ‘Handas surprise’, we decided to taste the fruits. We were all very grown up and had a taste of each one! Some fruits we liked and some we didn’t.

We pulled up the potatoes growing in our outdoor area, then chopped up potatoes and carrots to make some vegetable soup!

We all enjoyed our investigation into making a rainbow using skittles and water!

Move it and groove it!

PE Days and Kit

Your child will do PE on a Monday. They will need to have their PE kit in school ready for this. Please make sure that your child has the correct coloured T-shirt for their house team.

Reading books

Reading is a vitally important skill and something which we hope your child will grow to love. Reading at home with your child and listening to them read will really help with this. Your child will soon start to bring home a reading book each night. Please listen to your child read every night and write in their Reading Record Book to let us know how they did. We will monitor this book and we will also write in when your child has read to an adult in school.

2Build a Profile

This is an online Learning Journey which we will be using to assess and monitor your child’s progress in school. You will be sent a letter shortly explaining how you can log in and see what your child has been doing in school. You will also be able to add your own comments and observations to show us what your child has been doing at home.


In Reception, we encourage the children to play outside every day, regardless of the weather. Your child will learn a lot from their experiences outside, so it is very important that they always have a suitable, hooded and waterproof coat with them, even if the sun is shining in the morning!


We will send home weekly tasks for your child to complete with you at home. These should not be too tricky, but will allow you to see what your child has been learning. Please complete and return these tasks each week.

Our first week in Reception!

Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

This is a video to show how we teach the children at St Joseph's to write their letters.

ABC Phonics Song - UK Version

Lets help our kids distinguish the beginning sounds of each letter in the alphabet with the associated word and picture. A great way to sing and learn Phonics!

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