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Year 1/2 - Mr Donnelly

Mr Donnelly


World Book Day 2019

Welcome back Year 1/2! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas! It has been brilliant hearing all about the wonderful things the children experienced!


My name is Mr Donnelly and I am very excited to be teaching Year 1/2 at St Joseph’s Primary School. I will be supported by Mrs Pye and we are very excited for the upcoming year with your amazing children. Please don’t hesitate to come and see me if you have any worries or concerns as I am more than happy to help. Come and see me at the end of the school day or slip me a note if you would like to arrange a more convenient time.



Year 1/2 Curriculum

Our mornings will consist of phonics, guided reading, English and Maths lessons. These lessons will include grammar, spelling, reading and writing key skills along-side number, shape, measures and data handling key skills.

Our topic this term is ‘We Are Great Britain’ through this we will be learning all about the United Kingdom. We will also continue our learning in Computing every Thursday afternoon. In Science we will be looking at materials including their properties. 



Homework will be given on a weekly basis every Friday with a spelling list. It will be expected to be handed in the following Wednesday.  

Alongside this we ask that the children read for a short amount of time every night. This can be their home reading book, a book on bug club or any books or comics from home.

Please can book bags and reading books be in school every day.



We are having a whole school drive on reading as we want all of the children to become fluent readers and to be able to understand and enjoy what they read.

Every child has a reading diary where the title of the book they have brought home to read will be written. Please encourage your child to read a little every night at home with yourselves or independently. When your child has read please sign their reading diary to confirm that they have read. They will then bring their book back to school and change it for another one.



Our PE lessons will be on Tuesday afternoons. Please can you make sure that your child has a full PE kit in school for this. The correct P.E kit is: house coloured tops, black shorts and black pumps. Earrings are not allowed for PE.

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