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Remote Learning

Dear Parents,


Please take your time to work through each activity, where there will be links and other information to follow. 

It is so important that your child reads every day. Please ensure they read their book a few times to help with decoding words, build up reading fluency and to understand what they are reading. Once you have finished them, please feel free to come into school to swap them for new books.


It is encouraged that your child will complete a phonics task, English task and Maths task in the morning followed by a topic/ Science or RE session in the afternoon. 


Please ensure that you collect your work pack from school as there will be learning materials within the pack to help. Please do not hesitate to contact me via dojo if you need any extra help or support. Many thanks for your continued help,


Mrs Pilkington and Mrs Kenyon 

Please practice these tricky words with your children daily

W/C Monday 11th January 2021

Phonics Lesson


Monday 11th January 

Today’s sound is ‘ow’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.

Tuesday 12th January 

Today’s sound is ‘oo’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.

Wednesday 13th January 

Today’s sound is ‘oo’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.


Thursday 14th January Today’s sound is ‘ar’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.

Friday 15th January 

 Today’s sound is ‘or’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.




Monday 11th January  


LO: To identify nouns


Warm up: Practice retelling the story of room on the broom using the story map.


Watch this video to help remind you about what a noun is

The two types of nouns

Common nouns

These are the names of things (places or objects).

Proper nouns

These are the names of a particular person, place or thing. They always begin with a capital letter.

Have a go at highlighting the common nouns.


Let’s look again at the story of Room on the Broom. Can you make a list of nouns you have heard mentioned in the story? We can sort these nouns into people, places, things or animals.

Using the sheet below, Cut out/draw each noun picture. Decide if the picture is a person, place, thing or an animal. Paste each noun in the correct category.





Tuesday 12th January

 LO: To identify adjectives


Warm up: Practice retelling the story of room on the broom using the story map.

 What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (the name of a thing or a place).

'It was a terrible book.'

The word 'terrible' is an adjective. It tells us what the book (the noun) was like.

'The book she read on holiday was terrible.' or 'She read a terrible book on holiday.'

Adjectives can come before or after a noun.

Highlight the adjectives:


In your books match the adjective to the noun.


Spicy Challenge: Write a sentence using the adjective and noun you have matched together.

Example: The broken broomstick fell to the ground.


Hot Challenge: Underline the nouns in your sentence in one colour and the adjectives in another.


Wednesday 13th January


LO:  To use adjectives to describe a character

Warm up: Practice retelling the story of room on the broom using the story map.


Let’s look at the character of the witch.




Can you think of some adjectives to describe her?





Look at the character of the dragon. Draw the dragon in your books and create a mind map of adjectives to describe the dragon.



Example: sharp claws, pointy horns.


Thursday 14th January


LO:  To create a new character

Warm up: Practice retelling the story of room on the broom using the story map.

Yesterday we looked at the character of the dragon.

What sort of character is he? Good or bad? How do you know?

Let’s look at some examples of ‘bad’ characters




Who is the bad character in...

Little Red Riding Hood?

Jack and the Beanstalk?

Hansel and Gretel?


Three Billy Goats Gruff?


Can you match the pictures to the correct story?




Today we are going to create our own ‘bad’ character that will try and eat the witch.

Draw a picture of your character in your books. Label it with adjectives to describe him/her.


Friday 15th January  


LO: To write a character description


Warm up: Practice retelling the story of room on the broom using the story map.

Yesterday you made your own character today we out going to write a character description.

Here is my character who will eat the witch:



I have the words from yesterday to help me write some sentences to describe him.


The Troll has long claws.

The Troll is green and scary.








Warm up

LO: To compare numbers within 50

Look through the PowerPoint resource and think about the questions.

Can you use some objects at home to make these numbers. Try using dried pasta, beads or bundles of straws.

Which is bigger?

24       35    

28       17

13        30


37    47


  LO: To compare numbers within 50

See the lesson below the table. 


 Chilli Challenge- Pick which activity you want to try and use the maths words below to compare.











Match up game- worksheet below.





LO: To compare numbers within 50

See the lesson below the table.


 Chilli Challenge- Pick which activity you want to try and use the maths words below to compare












Thursday LO: To compare numbers within 50











 Watch the lesson here:


Complete the activity below.

Afternoon lessons

 Monday RE

LO:  To recognise that Jesus showed his great power when he calmed the wind and the waves.

Watch the story of Jesus calms the storm.


Design a sailboat using one of the following resources below this table:

Make a Wooden Sailboat, Make a Sponge Sailboat or Make a Juice Box Sailboat. Put them in tubs of water and use various types of “wind” (breath, fan, hairdryer, etc.) to explore how a sailboat is propelled.



Tuesday- Topic

LO: To identify the key parts of a castle

Let’s have a look at when the different types of castles were built.

Now let’s look at a video of a castle reconstruction.


Task 1  Label and explain the Motte, moat, fences and the Bailey.

Work through the PowerPoints to help you.



BAILEY – A yard inside the castle where everything takes place.

MOTTE – a mound or hill.

KEEP – A chunky stone tower where the Lord and Lady would live.



Wednesday- Science

LO: To identify the different uses for materials.

Watch the above lesson and complete the activities as you watch.


Thursday Topic

To identify key parts of a castle.

Recap the information from the last lesson on castles.

Today we are going to look at the Bailey in more detail


On the link above click on the picture to find out more details.




Name three things that you can find inside the Bailey and write a sentence about what they were used for.


Friday 15th January 


PE: PE with Joe Wicks

W/C Wednesday 6th January 2021




Phonics Lesson


Wednesday 6th January

Today’s sound is ‘ay’

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.

Thursday 7th January

Today’s sound is ee

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.

Friday 8th January                  Today’s sound is igh

Watch the video of today’s sound. Practice saying the words. Can you spot the special friends?

Complete the spellings from the video in your phonics book. Remember to use your best handwriting.


Wednesday 6th January 2021

 LO: To write a sentence

Write the date and learning objective in your books and underline with a ruler.

Look at the picture.

Whose do you think left this?

Can you write some sentences about what you can see.

I can see a pointy hat.

I can see…




Challenge: Write some sentences about who you think might have left it in the classroom.

Thursday 7th January 2021

LO: To create a story map

Write the date and learning objective in your books and underline with a ruler.


Listen to the story of ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson.


Try and retell the story using the story map pictures. Practice saying the story and add in some actions.




In your books draw the story map using mine to help you.

Friday 8th January 2021

To retell a story

Listen to the story of Share room on the broom story.

Try and retell the story using the story map pictures. Practice saying the story and add in some actions.



LO: To count forwards and backwards to 50.

Today we are looking at counting forwards and backwards to 50.


Then answer the questions.



 To identify tens and ones


Then answer these questions


Friday 8th January 2021

LO: To identify tens and ones

Recap yesterday’s video on tens and ones.

Complete the questions on the worksheets.



Afternoon lessons

 Wednesday 6th January 2021

LO:  To explore different types of castles

Read through the PowerPoint found below this table and find out all about the different types of castles.


Now write a sentence to answer these questions in your books. 

  1. What is a castle?
  2. What was a Motte for?
  3. What was a Bailey for?


What were the advantages and disadvantages of Motte and Bailey Castles?


Thursday 7th January 2021


LO: To explore different types of materials.

Today we are learning about different materials.

Watch this video about what we use materials for.

What materials can you find around your house?

Complete this worksheet.


Friday 8th January 2021

Computing- Log into your purple mash account. ( passwords inside work books)

Have a go at this fun maths game.

PE- PE with Joe Wicks


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