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Monday 1st February 2021

PE With Joe 2021

Children's Mental Health Week

Everyone has a worry now and again and it is okay to have a worry. If you have a worry, sharing a worry is the best thing to do. Choose someone you feel comfortable talking to. That could be a friend, parent, teacher or sibling.  Often worries seem bigger than they are.  


Watch and listen to the story of  'Ruby's Worry' and then complete the activity sheet below video.

Ruby's Worry

Guided Reading

Guided Reading 1.2.21.mp4

Still image for this video

1.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Spelling Test

Ask your parents or another member of your family to test you on your spellings: illogical, unkind, impatient, disqualify, illiterate, unclear illegal, impractical, illegible, disobey

OR open the link below and complete the online  test


Please send me your score on Class Dojo.


Consolidation – Calculations

Section 2 – Written Multiplication –Study Book (Red)  page 20, Question Book (White) page 25


Recapping Unit and non-unit fractions

New Spelling Rule and Spelling Practice

This week we are going to be focussing on the spelling rule - adding ir to words beginning with r and some statutory Year 3 and Year 4 words.


Your spellings this week are: irregular, irresistible, irresponsible, irreparable, irrelevant, mismatch, treasure, sleepily, international, autograph and eighty


You can either practise the spellings by clicking on the link below or selecting an activity from the Spelling Menu document below.


Jesus calls his 12 Disciples

After Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan, Jesus decided that he needed to find people to help him spread the news of God.  Watch the below video of how Jesus called the 12 disciples/apostles

Task 1 - Draw a picture of Jesus with his 12 disciples writing their names next to your picture.

Task 2 - Complete the crossword about the 12 disciples.

Task 3 - Listen to the song which helps you remember the names of the disciples


Jesus Chooses His Disciples

There Were 12 Disciples

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