Home Page

Reception B

Mrs Darbyshire

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to Reception's class page. This is where you will some find key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment.

We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch your child's individual achievements blossom, throughout the year. 

A main focus for Reception, this year, is Reading. You will hear all staff and children talk about reading daily. We have high expectations at our school and it is our goal to ensure your child is able to read before they leave Reception. Therefore, we expect your child to read at home every night to help give them the best start to their school life.

If you need to contact us for any reason, please don't hesitate to come and see somebody in our team before or after school. You can contact me on class dojo if you have any questions.


Mrs Darbyshire and Miss Steele

We celebrated Palm Sunday and acted out the last supper this week.

World book day 2024

We had Helen Dewhurst an author come and visit us. We got to dress up as superheroes and took part in a PE lesson and listen to a story.

Christmas stay and play. Thank you to all the parents that came to stay and play it was great fun!

The Christmas Markets and a visit from Santa

We all had a great time riding the donkeys this morning.

After reading Kippers Birthday for the last 2 weeks we celebrated Kipper turning 5 with a party!

We had a fantastic morning watching the Smeds and the Smoos and Superworm at the cinema.

We had a lovely afternoon reading with our parents. Thank you to everyone who came.

We had a walk to the park to look for signs of Autumn this week.

We have been working really hard in our P.E sessions

Our first few weeks

We have enjoyed having our lunch in the school on our first few days of school

We have had a fantastic start to our Reception year. Everyone settled so well and worked hard playing inside and outside.


  • All children are expected to have a PE bag in school. This must include a PE top (their first top will be given to them for free), shorts and pumps.

Reception will do PE on Thursday mornings.


  • Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day - this can be left in school,  I will empty and fill them each morning. 
  • Please ensure your child brings a school bag to school every day with their reading book inside.
  • Please ensure all children are wearing the correct uniform - jumpers, blue polo top, trousers / skirts / black schools shoes. No trainers!! Please ensure that every item of clothing is clearly labelled with your child's name. 

How to say the sounds

Set 1 sounds we have started learning



    Here are some ideas for you to do at home with your child.


    Independence - Where possible, encourage your child to try and do more things by themselves. Encourage them to get themselves changed in the morning, explaining to them step by step what to do. It may take longer each morning to get ready so try and get up 5 minutes earlier to give them the time to be independent. 


    Days of the week/ Months of the year- Practise saying the days of the week and order of them each day, along with months of the year. This can be done by writing the date when completing homework, singing songs or just discussing the date each day. 


    Name recognising and writing- Your child can practise writing their name everyday. Once they can spell their first name start to practise their surname too.


    Cooking- Let your child be more involved in cooking or baking. They can help you chop, mix and dish up. Encourage them to help you when shopping for ingredients, looking at how much things cost and helping out when paying. 


    Maths-  This link will take you Top Marks counting games for reception children.


    Child yoga- This is a great way to relax and be calm if your child starts to get restless. There are many yoga videos for children on YouTube. Here is a great breathing exercise video-


    Songs- There are many songs we sing as much as possible in Reception. Here are some songs you could sing everyday. 


    2D shape song-

    3.D shape song

    The big number song-

    Days of the week-

    months of the year-

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