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Year 1A

Miss Salthouse

We had a great day at Lytham Park View. We planted marigolds and learnt all about bees. We then played and explored on the park.

We have learnt to ride bikes and develop our skills over the last few weeks with Go Velo.

Year 1A Miss Salthouse

We had a very busy day at Blackpool Zoo on Thursday. We saw lots of different animals. We particularly liked the lions and tigers.

We have been learning how to the play the glockenspiel in music.

In Language week we learnt about Brazil and learnt to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Portuguese.

Welcome to Year 1A


Welcome back and Happy New Year. This term our topic is the Great Fire of London and Animals including Humans. We have lots of exciting things planned for our topic and a trip out as well. 


Key Reminders

  • PE will be on a Tuesday Mornings. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit in school each week.
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday please can this be returned on a Monday morning.
  • Reading Books will be sent home each night please can you read with your child each night.


Reading and Phonics
It is an expectation at St Joseph’s that the children read every night at home. We also read in school with the children, at least three times a week. On the week commencing 6th June 2022, the year 1 children will be tested on their phonics skills. This is done with a familiar adult to check their recognition of sounds and their ability to read words.
We teach phonics using RWI children need to know all of set 1, 2 and 3 sounds and read them in words. 

We had a visit from father Christmas on Monday.

We worked together as team to make bridges out of just paper and cello tape.

To finish our topic about hot and cold places. We made animals out of clay and made their habitats.

We enjoyed a walk to the park and searched for signs of Autumn

We have been busy enjoying our first few weeks in year 1.

We've had 1 5 6 0 8 2 Visitors