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1B - Mrs Garnett

Miss Craig



Year 1B


Hello everybody! I am so excited to see what this year brings for us! I am sure that we will have so much fun in year 1B!


Key Reminders:

Homework will be given out on a Friday in the yellow homework books and should be returned on Monday morning.

PE will be on Tuesday mornings, please make sure your child has their full PE in school each week.

Class Dojo is up and running for our class, so please contact me on there if you have any issue or queries.


Thanks again,

Mrs Garnett & Mrs Emilia




This year the year 1 children will take part in the the National Phonics Screening Test which will take place in June. The test comprises of a list of 40 words that children read one-to-one with a teacher. The list is a combination of both real and made up, non-words which rely purely on using phonics to decode. The non-words are words that have been made up and will be shown with a picture of an imaginary creature to help them. The phonics screening check will take place on a one to one but the children will largely be unaware of it being a test and have already participated in some practice ones. 

Because of this, and to promote a love for reading, it is very important that the children read every night at home to become more fluent and confident readers. Below you will find a sound mat which includes the phonics sounds your child has learnt throughout reception, and will continue to learn in year 1.



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