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Week Commencing 25.01.21




Extra learning


Making Playdough!

Follow the link below for a no cook playdough recipe. You could use rolling pins, utensils and cutters. Can you make Goldilocks, the bears or the cottage?


Can you name the shapes?


Design a bear.

Using pencils, crayons, felt tips or paint can you draw a bear? If you have paints maybe you could use different items such as a sponge or a cotton reel .

Think about a bears features and discuss. What colour are bears?, How does their fur feel?.

Watch our very own art masterclass below for ideas.


Have you read your reading book from your home pack you collected from nursery? Discuss the pictures. Can you name the family?



Mrs Monaghan's Worship - please click on the link. 

What makes a bed comfy?

Have a discussion with your child asking them why they think Goldilocks thought baby bears bed was comfy? talk about what you need to make bed comfy (pillows, sheets, duvet, blankets). Then discuss what makes a bed uncomfortable(bricks, cereal, tinfoil). Collect items together allow your child to experiment with different materials to make a comfy bed. 

Word bank: Soft, hard, lumpy, comfy, snug, uncomfortable. 

Join in with Joe wicks p.e lesson on youtube.


Get your child to help you prepare dinner.




Find your biggest and smallest teddy bear, action figure or doll. Using lego or bricks how many high are they? Which one has more? Which one has less?.

Go on a shape hunt can you find something that is a circle? a square? a tringle? in your house?

Sing a long to some nursery rhymes


Watch our next episode of Arthur and Rodney! scroll down to the end of the page to find them.


Reread Goldilocks.


Can you sequence the story? what happens first, what happens next and what happens last? Can you draw pictures? Follow the link and discuss the pictures.

 Can you practise writing your name?



Cosmic yoga.



The adventures of Arthur.

Watch episode 3 of the Adventures of Arthur!

Please follow the link below to access ebooks for your child to enjoy. We are currently working at the lilac level aged 3-4. Thank you, let me know on class dojo if you enjoy the stories!

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