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Year 3/4 - Miss Jarvis

Miss Jarvis



Welcome to a new school year at St Joseph’s and especially to Year 3/4.  I am really looking forward to working with your child and I am sure it will be a fabulous year.  There will be lots of hard work but also lots of fun will be had as well.


Communication is key to your child’s success and for a wonderful parent/teacher relationship so  I encourage you to contact me via the office if you have any concerns or questions. I will be more than happy to meet with you after school.


Please do look at the subject pages as I will try my best to add the activities and information we learn during the day at school


Important info:

* Homework will be handed out on a Friday with an expectation that it is completed for the following Wednesday.  It will consist of both English and Maths work.

* There will be a spelling test every Monday. These words will of been given to the children on the previous Monday. 

* Please read with your child every night.  This has an enormous positive effect on  your child's learning.

* P.E. is every Thursday and a P.E. kit is required in order to participate. If your child has joined an after school sports club then another sports kit is needed. This can be a football kit, tracksuit or any t-shirts and shorts.  Trainers can also be worn.


Miss Jarvis and Mrs Rochford

World Book Day

A great piece of work chosen by Mrs Monaghan

Please have a look at the pictures taken at our class assembly.  I was very proud of all the children that they remembered all their words without having to use reading cards.  It was great to see lots of parents at the assembly and for you to join us in the classroom for tea and coffee.  
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