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Year 2B

Mrs Barraclough

Hello and welcome to Year 2B. 

I am Mrs Barraclough and I am the class teacher for class 2B.  Our teaching assistant is Mrs. Rochford and we are really looking forward to getting to know your child and working together to provide the very best learning opportunities for them.  

Our school day begins promptly at 8.50 am so please can you ensure that your child is in school on time so that they are ready to learn.  


We have P.E. every Tuesday so please can you make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school- this includes black shorts, a t-shirt in your child's house colour and black pumps.


Regular reading is vital to ensure that your child makes good progress.  Please can you hear your child read every night.  10 minutes a night will make such a difference!  Please sign your child's reading diary once you have heard them read and please make sure that your child has their reading book in school every day.


Happy New Year.  I hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed some family time together.  We have a busy term ahead with lots of exciting activities planned for your children.

R.E.- Our R.E. topic is 'The Good News' where we will learn about the miracles of Jesus.

English- In English we will begin by looking at non-fiction texts and we will write our own non-chronological report about an animal.  We will then look at the traditional tale of Hansel and Gretel.

 Maths-In Maths we will complete our unit on subtraction before moving onto money and then multiplication and division.

Science-Our Science topic is 'Materials' and we will be completing some interesting investigations looking at the properties and uses of materials.

History-In History we will be looking at the features and uses of castles in our topic 'Castles, Kings and Queens.'  We are also hoping to take the children on a trip to Clitheroe later on in the term.


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