Monday 25th January 2021 Miss Heys |
9:00 am |
Have fun and get moving with Joe’s P.E. below. |
Guided Reading |
Walking With My Iguana LO: To answer vocabulary and summary questions. Watch the teaching video below Guided Reading 25.1.21 Open the attachment Monday 25th January Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions. Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo. |
English |
LO: To recognise different types of sentences Play the video below Monday 25th January English. Open the attachment below Monday 25.1.21 English. Complete the tasks in your workbook then mark your answers using the answer sheet. Send me your score on Class Dojo. |
Introduction of new rule
L.O: To add the suffix ‘ly’
We can add the suffix –ly to a root word to make an adverb. If the root word ends in ‘y’ then we change the y to an ‘i’ before adding ‘ly’. If the root word ends in ‘le’ then we change it to ‘ly’. If the root word ends in ‘ic’ then add ‘ally’.
Add the suffix ‘ly’ to the words below.
Maths |
LO: To use the 4 times-tables Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook. 1. 3 x 3 = 2. Subtract 275 from 888. 3. 3 x 10 = 4. 18 divided by 3? 5. I have 9 cookies and 3 plates. How many cookies should I put onto each plate so that it is equal?
Main Teaching : Watch the video below explaining all about how to use the 4 times-tables. Open the worksheet: Maths 25.1.21 below. Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge. |
LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch! |
R.E. |
The Baptism of Jesus Watch the video below and complete the activities. |
Purple Mash |
Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning |
Life Skill |
LIFE SKILL TIME Make your own bed. |
Book Time |
Read your own book or listen to Mr Hicks read our Class Novel ‘Romans on the Rampage’ |