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Year 6 - Mrs Owens

Mrs Owens

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Year 6 Leading Worship

Year 6 have been looking at how levers, gears and pulleys work. They investigated the effect of moving different weights at a range of distances from the pivot

The start of healthy me week

Robin Price: Historical Author Writing Workshop

Our RE work on display

WW2 Design Technology. Making gas masks, gas mask boxes and identity tags

Evacuee Freeze Frames

Our Novel: "Wonder" Display

Christ the King Curriculum Morning

Our Learning Environment



Still image for this video
Enjoying our 'Recipe for a Happy Class'
- A sprinkle of politeness
- A spoonful of generosity
- A touch of responsibility
- A squirt of care
- A sprinkle of laughter

All topped with a little bit of fun!


Another Superb Desert Island Description

Still image for this video
Amy Ferguson showing she can use a range of adventurous vocabulary as she reads her Desert Island description.


Welcome back to all our Year 6 children. It has been so nice to see so many smiling faces and children who are eager and excited to learn. I am thrilled to see so many responsible Year 6s who are already proving to be excellent role models around school, taking on their new prefect jobs like true professionals.

The year ahead is filled full of fun and excitement as we start our ‘I’m a Survivor’ topic, where we will develop our knowledge of the world and also look at how to survive on a desert island, which will link with our class novel for the first half term: Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Reading is a key priority in school and children will read in school everyday and so it is important that they have their reading book in school everyday so that they can read independently and also to an adult throughout the week. It is also vital that children read regularly at home and that you/they write in their reading diary to show this. Throughout the year we will encourage the children to take part in book reviews and recommend books to the rest of the school and upload these to our website.

We will keep you updated with what’s going on in class through this class page and also our Class Dojo story so keep a look out for all the new things we have been learning.

If you have any worries, concerns or questions I am always available after school for you to pop in.

Looking forward to meeting lots of you soon

Mrs Owens, Mrs Scanlon and Mrs Gibbs


Key Information

  • P.E is every Thursday so children must have their full P.E kit in school every week.
  • Homework: children have a homework book and they must complete a spelling activity weekly and a reading activity every two weeks. In addition to this they will get Maths or English homework every Thursday and it is due back the following Wednesday.
  • Children will be given their new spellings for the week every Monday to learn at home and will be tested the following Monday.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. I recommend reading every night as this will have a huge impact on your child’s progress.
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