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Monday 8th February 2021


Monday 8th February 2021

Mrs Newton

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Use the video below to complete the wake up exercises.  



LO: To answer retrieval and explanation questions

Watch the video below Guided Reading 8.2.21

Open the attachment Monday 8th February Guided Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

Mark your work using the answer sheet. Send me your scores on Class Dojo.


LO: To box up a non-chronological report.

Look back at the monster that you created on Friday.

Watch the video below 8.2.21 English

Task: Box up your own non-chronological report using the attachment Monday 8th February English. Think about 3 different topics to talk about for your non-chronological report.



Introduction of new rule










LO: To add –ation to verbs to form nouns.


When we add the suffix –ation to a verb they become nouns.

If the verb ends in a consonant eg. Inform we can just add –ation without changing the root word (information). If the verb ends in an –e (eg adore) we must drop the e from the root word before we add the –ation (adoration).












Find out the meaning of any words that you are unsure of.

Practice writing each word using different coloured pencils.




LO: To divide 2-digits by 1-digit

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 4 x 9 =

2. Divide 36 by 3.

3.  Calculate 391 – 200.

4. Complete the missing number – 3x4 = ___ x 3

5. One triangle has 3 sides. How many sides do 9 triangles have altogether?


Watch the video below explaining all about comparing statements.

Open the worksheet: Maths 8.2.21 below.

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.  


LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!

Exploring our talents

For all the wonderful children (and parents) that have worked so hard over the last couple of weeks, we have decided that this week you all deserve the afternoons free to discover a new talent.  You could perhaps: build something out of anything you can find in the house, bake a cake/biscuit, cook a meal for your family, paint or draw a picture or if you just feel like relaxing (afternoon sleep/watching a movie with popcorn). Just do it! Just have fun!


PE With Joe 2021

8.2.21 Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

8.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

L.O: To divide 2-digits by 1 digit

Watch the video below to learn how to divide 2-digits by 1-digit and then complete the worksheet. Do not forget to try the challenge questions.

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