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Reception 2-Mrs Gardiner

Mrs Gardiner


Reception Long term plan

Our trip to the Beach. It was very hot, we played in the sand, had a ride on the train and ate ice cream.

We had great fun with Nursery on Pirate Day.

We have enjoyed reading big books in the sunshine.

The Life Education Bus visited school and we learnt all about our bodies. We learnt that It is important to look after ourselves by sleeping, brushing our teeth, excercising and eating healthily.

This term we are learning all about the seaside, the children have been busy exploring our new Beach role play area.

We had a very exciting morning visiting Brighter Blooms Nursery. We learnt how important gardens are for making food for us to eat. We all planted our own beans. Then we’re treated to juice and cake.

We all followed instructions to make vegetable soup after reading the story Oliver’s Vegetables. We learnt how to use a peeler and used a knife to chop. Then we tasted the soup.

Our topic this half term is How Does your Garden Grow? We have started by planting potatoes out in our garden. This week we are reading Jasper’s Beanstalk and learning how a plant grows. 

We had lots of fun making Easter Crafts with our parents and grandparents.

We celebrated Palm Sunday by acting out Jesus travelling to Jerusalem on a donkey. We all pretended we were the crowds by waving palm leaves and singing Hosanna.

This week we made fruit kebabs. We have been learning what foods are healthy for us to eat. We picked which fruits we would like to put onto our kebab and enjoyed eating them.

We carried out a scientific experiment. We made a predictions. We added all the ingredients into the cup to watch the foam and bubbles erupt like a volcano.

World Book Day. I’m Reception we enjoyed dressing up as different characters.

We had a lovely relaxing afternoon listening to stories and drinking hot chocolate in our pjyamas.

We had lots of fun at stay and read on Monday. Thank you to all the parents who came. The children read to and listened to their parents read.

We have planted bean seeds. We watered them to help them grow. We are all keen to see who’s beanstalk will grow the tallest.

We visited church to hold a Baptism. We had parents and godparents who helped. We named the baby Elsa.

We baked Gingerbread men and they escaped. So we went on a hunt around school to find them.

This week we have enjoyed starting our new topic of Once Upon a Time. We have read and told the story of The 3 Little Pigs, The Gingerbread man and Goldilocks and the three bears.

We were superstars at the Nativity

We enjoyed watching Robin Hood the Pamtomime on Wednesday.

We wrote letters to Father Christmas and then posted them in the magic post box. We all tried really hard using our phonics to sound out words. Fingers crossed our letters got to the North Pole in time.

We tried very carefully to make circuits. We enjoyed trying to make the bulb light.

We enjoyed walking to the shop to but items for Kipper’s birthday party on Friday.

On Monday we wore our pyjamas to school to raise money for Children in need

Reception retold the story of We're Going on a Bear Hunt. The children have really enjoyed reading and acting out the story.

Still image for this video

Our class assembly today about Ourselves. We hope you all enjoyed watching it.

Reception Assembly Video

Still image for this video

This week we have enjoyed looking at signs of Autumn and playing in the leaves.


Welcome to our class page for Reception 2


We have had a fantastic first week meeting everyone and all the children are settling in well. 


In our first week we have played outdoors, been busy painting, counting and writing. Every child has taken home their own reading book, please can this been in school everyday.


The class team for Reception 2 is Miss Salthouse & Mrs Kenyon.

Please feel free to come and speak to us before or after school with any questions.

Today we tasted our homemade Potato and Leek soup. Everyone tried the soup some of us thought it was delicious but a few were not very keen.

Today we made potato and leek soup with potatoes we have grown in our garden. We all worked hard and safely using knives and peelers to chop potatoes, leeks and onions. Everyone took turns and helped to make the soup. Tomorrow we are going all try the soup and write about how we made it.

Important information 


  • PE is on a Monday Morning. Please can all PE kits be in school.
  • Homework is given out on a Friday and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. 
  • Reading is key to learning, please can you ensure that your child reads their book every night. Books will be changed once they have completed their book. Please sign your child's reading diary regularly. All Books are changed every Friday

Reception 2 have had lots of fun exploring and making new friends in their first week in school.

JOLLY SONGS A-Z Alphabet Song

Here are the songs we are starting to sing in Reception to help us remember the sounds we are learning in our Phonics lessons.

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