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Year 3A

Miss Heys

Year 3A garden visit

Year 3A park visit 

We had the pleasure of visiting the 'Let's Grow project' at Ribbleton Park.

The children enjoyed looking around the garden and asking Jenny lots of questions about what grows there.

We had fun planting potatoes, making seed pots and ensuring the bug hotel was inviting for its creepy crawly guests.

Summer Term 2023

Our topic this term is 'Preston on the Move' where we get to learn all about how the history of transport has changed in Preston. From horses and carriages to steam trains and buses, children get to learn how their ancestors travelled in the past.


In Maths we are learning about fractions and learning to tell the time. Our English work will be focusing on diaries and suspense stories. 


Our focus in Science this half term is plants - we are learning all about the functions of the plants and investigating how water transports through a plant


We will keep you updated on our Class Dojo page with photographs and messages and we will update you with key information on here too. I will be sending the log-in details home with the children this week.


Please use the links at the bottom of this page to access key information on the learning your children take part in.



  • Homework will be sent out on Fridays. The children will be given a homework book with work in to complete at home and it will be due back on the Wednesday the following week.
  • Every Monday your child will bring home a new spelling list to practise, ready for a spelling test on Friday morning.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. It would be ideal if this could be done each evening, even just 10 minutes reading with your child makes such a difference.
  • Swimming will be taking place each Thursday afternoon until Easter. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit in school each week.
  • Please ensure your child attends school in full school uniform each day.



If you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch either through Class Dojo or by arranging to see me after school via the office.


Thank you, 

Miss Heys and Mrs Beg

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