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Year 5/6 Mr Hicks

Mr Hicks


Finally...summer is upon us. These school years just fly by!


This term the Year 6 children will be taking their end of year SATs of course and then, among other things, preparing a play for us to enjoy. The year 5 are studying the ancient Greek civilisation in their topic work.


We will keep you updated with what’s going on in class through our class page on the website  so keep a look out for all the new things we have been learning.


Photos of us at work and play will be added periodically. Examples of good word will also be available to see. 


If you have any worries, concerns or questions we are always available after school, or you can use Class Dojo for non-urgent enquires.

Year 5 trip to Stanley Park
Year 5 (in Year 5/6) Tower Building Comp.
In Year 5/6 we have been studying the art of Henri Rousseau as part of our topic about the Amazon. He we are in the early stages of our own paintings.....more to come!
Year 5/6 made some tools for St Joseph's day to celebrate Joseph's work as a carpenter. You can see them in the school entrance.

World Book Day 2019

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