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We created a substance using corn flour and water. It was a solid when we held it tightly or applied any amount of pressure and a liquid when we released the pressure. This is called a Newtonian Liquid

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In Science we acted out the particles in solids, liquids and gases. Ask your child to explain how the particles are organised in each state of matter.

Solid, Liquid and Gas Relay Race: we identified different materials which were solids, liquids and gases. We then sorted their properties.

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Learning the capital cities of Spanish speaking countries during language week

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In science we have been investigating which materials dissolve in water. Please encourage your child to explain what happened using the scientific vocabulary: soluble, insoluble and solution. We also investigated the saturation point of different soluble materials and their liquid.

Making our sculptures inspired by the artist: Andy Goldsworthy.

In our science, this half term, we have been investigating the different properties of materials. We have used the data loggers to identify the best insulator to keep Mrs Owens’ coffee the hottest for the longest and also to investigate the best conductor of electricity by measuring the brightness of the light.

Our trip to Lancashire Museum, where we were taken back in time to the WW2 period

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Learning some WW2 songs on our “Theme Day”

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We learned some traditional WW2 songs such as: “Run Rabbit” and “Pack up your Troubles” and also some jazz songs inspired by the entertainer: ‘Glen Miller” who entertained the troops with his amazing band.

Our moving mechanism inside our Christmas cards

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We enjoyed using some of our art techniques to create our Christmas cards, which reflect the true meaning of Christmas.

The Donkeys came to visit us.

Santa and his little helper paid us a visit at the Christmas Markets

Making toys children might play with in an African Village and also creating our own water filter system to help clean water.

Making and tasting sheema as part of our Africa topic. This is like a thick porridge made from finely ground corn meal. I don’t think it was a hit with Year 5/6

The Naughty Elf arrived early to introduce our English Writing Unit

22.11.21. In RE today we tried to imagine what it was like for Michelangelo when he painted the ceiling and walls of the Sistine Chapel. We lied under our tables and tried to draw something from God’s wonderful creation. We realised the perseverance and determination this must have taken, as lots of us found this really tricky.

Lest We Forget: 11.11.21. Today we paid our respect to the soldiers who gave their lives for us in a two minute silence

Performing an African Song on our Topic Day

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Printing Adinkra symbols to create African headdresses. The Ashanti people would use this technique to make their own clothes for special occasions

We have been learning how the Anglo Saxons dyed their clothes using natural materials such as berries, beetroot and turmeric

Some fantastic art work and writing based on the Anglo Saxon story of Beowulf.

Our graffiti wall

Tasting biscuits

Conscience alley in R.E.

Painting our Worship Area

Team Teaching to help children become more confident at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

Year 5/6 2021

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