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Curriculum Intent and Implementation at St Joseph's

Teaching and Learning Policy

Our Curriculum Design

St Joseph’s offers a broad and balanced curriculum which delivers the National Curriculum and addresses the Catholic nature of the school. Subjects are taught according to the National Curriculum programmes of study and Key Skills in Key Stage 1 and 2 and through the EYFS framework in Nursery and Reception. Work is organised on a cross-curricular and thematic basis in all Key Stages in our school, from Nursery and Reception through to Year 6 which suits the needs of our children.


Religious Education

As a Catholic School, we promote and teach the doctrine and philosophy of the Catholic Church. This will include participating in class/whole school worship each day and also attending school Masses.

We follow the `The Way, The Truth and The Life’, 'scheme of work. Through this we strive to ensure that the Christian values show themselves not only in the R.E. lessons but at all times.  Parents who wish their children to be prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation follow a programme prepared by the parish. Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship and Sex Education.


Core and Foundation Subjects 

In order to plan effective and progressive lessons, the school uses the White Rose Maths, Read Write inc phonics and Talk for Writing for English and Maths.

In Foundation subjects (Art and Design, Music, History, Geography and Design Technology) the school has designed its own SJPS curriculum to provide engaging and motivating topic lessons which fully covers the National Curriculum objectives for Art and Design , History, Geography, Music and Design Technology.    

Science is also discreetly planned for using objectives from the National Curriculum and focuses on developing key scientific skills of; observation over time, identifying and classifying, pattern and relationship searching, comparative and fair testing and research.

In Computing, the school follows the Purple Mash teaching sequences to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum objectives for computing including; coding, multi-media, networking and use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – The core of our computing is computer science.

We also teach Spanish at KS2 as our Modern Foreign Language 

In P.E we offer the full range of National Curriculum requirements with KS2 receiving swimming lessons

Human Relationships and Sex Education is integrated into the curriculum through the PSHE scheme, 'SCARF' to meet the needs of the children as they grow and develop. If children are to develop a healthy attitude towards relationships, sex education need to be integrated into the rest of their learning. Our teachers are prepared and ready to answer specific questions which will arise from their work. Parents views will also be taken into account where possible if such a situation occurs. Separate lessons for sex education will not be the norm and parents are ways informed prior to learning taking place.


Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

In EYFS children experience the 7 areas of learning through a balance of play and formal teaching. Through themes, small group learning, continuous provision activities, Read Write inc phonics, Talk Boost, NELi language programme, White Rose Maths and Talk for Writing strategies; learning is carefully planned to support early reading, language development, writing, maths development as well as social skills. 




Our Curriculum Intent and Impact

At St Joseph’s we intend that our curriculum educates the children in knowledge, skills and understanding to be effective, inquisitive, curious learners and influence their wider thinking.

Our Curriculum is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.

We therefore translate the framework of the National Curriculum into a structure and narrative that is meaningful to the children and use the SJPS curriculum to expand their skills and knowledge.

At St Joseph’s we believe that enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. Children feel safe to try new things. High quality visits and visitors into St Joseph’s are also planned and designed to enhance the curriculum.

At St Joseph’s we also recognise the valuable contribution and positive impact of sport. Sport has a high profile at St Joseph’s, and children are intentionally introduced to a huge variety of activities.  Traditional sports such as netball and football are complimented by cricket, golf, multi sports, hockey, cross country running, athletics, tag rugby, yoga, dance, gymnastics, handball and weekly swimming sessions in KS2. Giving sport a focus across St Joseph’s has engaged many children including children with SEN.


The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality teaching, supported by targeted, proven interventions where appropriate. In this way it can be seen to be impacting in a very positive way on pupil outcomes. 


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