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Friday 12.02.21

Today is an INSET day so there will be no online learning set for today, however we will be doing a pancake making zoom at 1pm if you would like to join. Please see your class dojo for the log in details

Pancake Making with Mr Kay at 1pm on zoom. Check your class dojo for the log in details.

Ingredients and Equipment needed for making pancakes


Lots of children and staff from school will be joining, it would be great to see you.

*An adult will need to be with you for safety reasons*

100g plain flour
2 eggs
300ml semi-skimmed milk
1 tbsp sunflower oil or vegetable, plus extra for frying
pinch salt

(You can add any extra ingredients for flavouring, such as: fruit, ice-cream, butter, chocolate, lemon and sugar, honey, syrup, cream etc.)

Equipment needed:
Mixing bowl
Whisk/mixing equipment
Frying pan

Have a lovely half term and we will see you back here, ready for online learning on Monday 22nd February

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