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Year 6 - Mrs Newton

Mrs Newton


World Book Day 2019

Christmas Preparations 

In Year 6 we have been busy preparing for Christmas. The children did a fantastic job at reading and singing at the Christmas Carol Service in church. Well done!

In class, we have been baking festive treats including mince pies and salt dough decorations for the tree. Some children tried mince pies for the very first time, we had some mixed reviews. We have linked this to our writing. Visit our English page to read some of our instructions and descriptive writing based on the things we have made. 

Internet Safety Day

Welcome back to all our Year 6 children.

It has been so nice to see so many smiling faces and children who are eager and excited to learn. I am thrilled to see so many responsible Year 6s who are already proving to be excellent role models around school, taking on their new prefect jobs like true professionals. We have a very busy year with lots of hard work but also some fun along the way.


We will keep you updated with what’s going on in class through this class page and also our Class Dojo story so keep a look out for all the new things we have been learning.

If you have any worries, concerns or questions I am always available after school, or you can use Class Dojo for non-urgent enquires.

Our Milkshake Recipe for a happy class. We had lots of fun creating our own milkshakes with a scoop of kindness and a sprinkle of politeness and a touch of trust. They tasted delicious

Peter Kay: Biscuit Dunking Challenge! We put our science skills to the test with this fair test, as we proved Peter Kay surprisingly wrong .... the Rich Tea Biscuit is in fact a good dunker. It took an average of 24 dunks before it broke, compared to the hobnob which took 8. 😲

Key Information

  • P.E is every Wednesday so children must have their full P.E kit in school every week.
  • Homework: children have a homework book and they must complete a spelling activity and a reading activity on a two weekly cycle. In addition to this they will get Maths or English homework on Fridays and it is due back the following Wednesday. 
  • Children will be given their new spellings for the week every Monday to learn at home and will be tested the following Monday.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. I recommend reading every night as this will have a huge impact on your child’s progress.
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