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Friday 26th February 2021

Squish the Fish


26.2.21 English.mp4

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Handwriting Practice

Spelling Practice

Your spellings this week are: disagreed, incomplete, impossible, enormous, finally, picture, explanation, school, machine, invention

These words follow a rule that you have learnt already.

You can either practise the spellings by clicking on the link below or selecting an activity from the Spelling Menu document below.


Subtract from whole amounts


L.O: To listen and respond to a piece of music

Listen to the piece of music from Aladdin played by the orchestra.

You need to listen very carefully – what instruments can you hear? How does the music make you feel? What elements of music does it feature?

Complete the music response worksheet below.

Then choose your favourite song and complete a music response sheet for that one too.

Music - Suite from "Aladdin" by Alan Menken

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