Monday 11th January 2021 Miss Heys |
8:30 am |
Get Up and get dressed. Make yourself some breakfast |
9:00 am |
Let’s Try Cosmic Kids Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga or P.E. sessions with Joe Wicks on a Monday , Wednesday and Friday https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Guided Reading |
The Treasure Hunt LO: To answer retrieval and inference questions. Open the attachment below: Guided Reading WB. 11.1.21 Read and complete the text with the title Monday. Read through the text once in your head and once out loud. Task 1 (Retrieval): In your book, use the text to decide whether each statement is true or false. Task 2 (Inference): In your book, answer the inference questions using clues from the text.
English |
Speech Marks (Inverted commas) and Speech Verbs
LO: To identify and use inverted commas.
Task: Re-write the conversation between Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf using the correct speech punctuation in your workbook.
If you are struggling, watch the teaching video again. |
Spelling Test |
Spelling Rule – words with the s sound spelt sc Ask an adult or another member of your family to test you on last week spellings jar, jam, gem, gentle, large, charge, badge, bridge, February, forward.
Please send me your score through Class Dojo |
Introduction of new rule
L.O: To add the prefix im to root words that begin with p or m
A prefix is a group of letters that comes at the beginning of a root word to make a new word. Click on the spelling document below.
Add the suffix ‘im’ to each of the words below then write them out three times each in your best handwriting. Possible, perfect, mature, patient, mortal, capable, complete, dependent, honest, connect, kind, happy. |
Maths |
LO: To use equal groups to multiply Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook. 1. What is 200 more than 361? 2. Calculate 568 + 30. 3. Add 300, 400 and 200 together. 4. 220-40 = 5. 345 + 543 = Main Teaching : Open the video link below and click on the multiplication – equal groups video: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/week-9-number-multiplication-division/ Watch the video explaining all about equal groups.
Open the worksheet: Monday 11.1.21 Maths below. Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge. |
LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch! |
R.E. |
Jesus, the teacher
Mary and Joseph were faithful Jews and therefore when Jesus was born, he was born a Jew. It was a rule in the Jewish tradition that the first born child born to a family must be taken to the Temple in Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple and handed him over to God. From that point on Jesus belonged completely to God
Task: Imagine you are a newspaper reporter and you were there in the Temple when Mary and Joseph brought in the child Jesus.
Read the attached document – Presentation of Jesus at the Temple_110121 to give you information to help you write the newspaper report.
Purple Mash |
Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning |
Life Skill |
LIFE SKILL TIME Make a cup of coffee/tea for your parents |
Book Time |
Read your own book |