Miss P Jarvis
Welcome to a new school year at St Joseph's and especially to Year 3A. It was great to see all the children come back with so much enthusiasm and excitement. I am really looking forward to working with your children and if the first week is anything to go by it will be an amazing year. There will be hard work but also lots of fun as well.
We start the learning in History by going back to the 'Stone Age' and in Science it is 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'. Our class novel is 'The Wild Way Home' by Sophie Kirtley. In English we will be writing instructions and in Maths it is Number and Place Value. Something new in Year 3 is Spanish. Hopefully the children will be able to say a few new words at the beginning and then speak in full sentences by the end - fingers crossed!!.
I will communicate with you via Class Dojo in which I will send photographs and messages and will update you on this webpage too.
We do have an open door policy and are happy to speak with you on anything you are concerned about. Send me a message on Class Dojo or arrange a meeting via the School Office before or after school.
Please scroll down further to see a photo of your lovely children at the end of the first week. The 'funny' version will be sent via Class Dojo. We all survived !!
Miss Jarvis and Mrs Levy