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Reception 1- Miss O'Brien

Welcome to our class page for Reception 1


The class team for Reception 1 is Miss O'Brien and Miss Cairns.

Please feel free to come and speak to us before or after school with any questions.

Miss O'Brien

Our trip to St Anne’s beach!

The life education bus visited our school. We learned all about keeping ourselves healthy!

Our Trip to Brighter Blooms Garden Nursery!

Our topic this term is ‘How does your garden grow?’ We will be learning all about plants and what they need to grow.

We had lots of fun making Easter Crafts with our parents and grandparents.

On Monday we had stay and read thank you to all the parents that came. We had lots of fun reading different stories together.

Planting our magic beans. Will they grow into beanstalks?

Our visit to church

Our Gingerbread man hunt

A visit from Father Christmas

We have a visitor in our class- ‘Twinkle’ the elf! He has been sent by Father Christmas to find out what we want for Christmas and to bring us some surprises!

We made a circuit and our lightbulb lit up!

We had a birthday party for Kipper in class!

We walked to the shop to buy things for our party on Friday!

Reception 1 assembly

Still image for this video

Our 'Bear Hunt' walk

Our first P.E lesson

Reception long term plan

We've had 1 5 7 3 0 6 Visitors