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Year 4A


Spring Term - 4B


We are very excited to see you back after the Christmas holidays and I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone properly during our busy term!


Our history this half term is based around the Ancient Egyptians and we have an exciting visitor planned to come and work with us to help us to gain a good understanding of what life was really like in Ancient Egypt. In English, we will be writing non-chronological reports about a creature created by the children and an adventure story based on a short film.


We will also have our swimming block this term and start lessons on: Monday 16th January 2023, and will continue every afternoon until Friday 27th January (several children may continue up until Friday 10th February – details and letters will be provided as necessary). The lessons will take place at Fulwood Leisure Centre and are part of the core Physical Education Programme.




  • Children are expected to read regularly at home and have their reading records signed. It is advised that they do this every evening.
  • PE this term will be on Wednesday afternoon (excluding our two weeks of swimming). The children will need to keep their kit in school until the end of the term when they will be able to bring it home to wash.
  • Homework will be sent out on a Friday and this is to be completed either in their homework book or online and will be due back the following Wednesday.
  • Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday and children will need to learn these words for the following Friday.


We are happy to speak to you about anything you are concerned or need more information about, so feel free to talk to any of us before or after school. Alternatively, you can message us on ClassDojo.


Miss Hall and Miss Furnell

Welcome to 4B


Miss Hall 


Hello and welcome to Year 4A. 

I am Miss Hall and I am the class teacher for class 4A.  Our teaching assistant is Miss Furnell and we are really looking forward to getting to know your child and working together to provide the very best learning opportunities for them.  

Our school day begins promptly at 8.50 am so please can you ensure that your child is in school on time so that they are ready to learn.  


We have P.E. every Wednesday so please can you make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school- this includes black shorts, a t-shirt in your child's house colour and black pumps.


Regular reading is vital to ensure that your child makes good progress.  Please can you listen to your child read every night. Ten minutes a night will make such a difference!  Please sign your child's reading diary once you have heard them read and please make sure that your child has their reading book in school every day.


In the next few days I will be sending out log-ins for Class Dojo.  This is the main way that I will communicate with you all and it is such a good way for you to send messages to me.  Please can you make sure that you sign up, if you are having any problems with this please let me know and I will try to help.

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