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Monday 22nd February 2021

PE With Joe 2021

Guided Reading

22.2.21 Guided Reading.mp4

Still image for this video

LO: To understand and learn an adventure story.

Open the attachment below Monday 22nd February English showing the text that we read in Guided Reading. Play the video 22.2.21 English and listen to the story being read.

Look at the beginning of the story map on the attachment. In your workbook continue drawing the story map to represent the story. When you have finished, learn the story using actions.

22.2.21 English.mp4

Still image for this video

Spelling Test

Ask your parents or another member of your family to test you on your spellings: obvious, muscle, decision, illegal, antique, tongue, enough, reign, affect, comprehension

OR open the link below and complete the online  test


Please send me your score on Class Dojo.


Add fractions - Recap from Year 3

Spelling Rule and Spelling Practice

Your spellings this week are: disagreed, incomplete, impossible, enormous, finally, picture, explanation, school, machine, invention

These words follow a rule that you have learnt already.

You can either practise the spellings by clicking on the link below or selecting an activity from the Spelling Menu document below.


Last week, while we were on half term it was the start of Lent.  This year, Lent began on 17th February 2021 known as Ash Wednesday and will finish on Easter Sunday. 

  • Please watch and listen to the below video of children talking and explaining what Lent is and how important is Ash Wednesday.
  • Then complete the activity sheet below 

Ash Wednesday and Lent

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