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Tuesday 12th January 2021


Tuesday 12th January 2021

Miss Heys

8:30 am

Get Up and get dressed.

Make yourself some breakfast

9:00 am

Let’s Try Cosmic Kids Yoga

Guided Reading

Tutankhamun’s Tomb

LO: To retrieve and infer answers from a text

Open the attachment below: Guided Reading WB. 11.1.21

Read and complete the text with the title.

Read through the text once in your head and once out loud.

Answer the questions in your workbook.


Speech Marks (Inverted commas) and Speech Verbs

Main Teaching: Open the video link below: Speech Verbs 12.1.21

Watch the video explaining how speech verbs can be used instead of repeating ‘said’.


Open the attachment Tuesday 12.1.21 English. Look at the word bank of speech verbs. Can you say what they all mean? Look up any that you don’t know.


Look at the 6 pictures on the sheet. For each picture write one thing that the character would say in that situation.

Don’t forget to include:

  • Inverted commas
  • An appropriate speech verb
  • Other punctuation that is needed


Challenge: Draw your own situation picture. Write a piece of speech to go with your picture.

If you are struggling watch the video again to help you.  



Introduction of new rule






L.O: To add the prefix im to root words that begin with p or m


A prefix is a group of letters that comes at the beginning of a root word to make a new word.


impossible, imperfect, immature, immortal, impolite, immoral, improper, immovable

Look up each of these words using an online dictionary and write down the definition (meaning). Then use these words in a sentence.




LO: To use equal groups to multiply

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 100 + _____ = 366

2. Subtract 300 from 891.

3. 782 + __ = 786

4. Calculate 143 + 27.

5. Subtract 29 from 472.


Main Teaching: Watch the video from yesterday to revise equal groups.

Open the attachment Tuesday 12.1.21 Maths.

Today we will be focusing on using what we know about equal groups and multiplication to answer problem solving questions. Remember read the question carefully and think about what is asking you.

Complete the questions and then have a go at the challenge.


LUNCH – Make yourself some yummy lunch!


Warm up by doing 1 jogging lap around your front room, 2 jumps in the air, 3 squats, 4 jumping jacks and 5 hops.

Click on the link which will take you to a wild workout with Andy.


Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Life Skill


Help your parents by cleaning the bathroom

Book Time

Read your reading book



Speech Verbs 12.1.21.mp4

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