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Year 3/4 - Mrs Newton

Mrs Newton

Hello Year 3/4,

Welcome back to the new term and Happy New Year to you and your families. I hope that you've had a restful and fun Christmas with lots of laughter. 

As we are once again moving to remote learning, I will post activities for you to complete in the Remote Learning folder above this message. There will be activities to complete for English, Maths, Science, RE and Topic daily. 

If you have any worries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo.

Many thanks,

Mrs Newton

Hello Year 3/4.

Welcome to our new class!

We have shared some fantastic learning so far this term and have enjoyed being back in school. Our topic this term is The Stone Age to The Iron Age, with a focus on how early people developed tools, farming and impacted Britain today. Children will be sharing the novel 'Stig of the Dump' at the end of every day.

We will be focussing on story writing and instruction writing in English. Our focus for Maths will be place value- understanding what numbers mean. Children will be learning about 'Rocks, Fossils and soils' in Science. 


Key Information 

  • PE will be on Thursday mornings- children must bring their PE kit into school on this day.
  • Reading is essential- children should read their reading book every night for at least 10 minutes. Their reading record must be signed when somebody has listened to them read.
  • Homework will be set online and be posted on this web page for your information.
  • Spellings will be given out on a Friday, children will be tested the following Friday. Spellings will also be posted on this webpage. 


I hope that the children continue to enjoy their learning in Year 3/4.

If you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.

Many thanks,

Mrs Newton

Our chosen person for the Captain's table is: Madison!

This week's homework:

Your child will need to use their Purple Mash log in to access the work. They should click on the Alerts icon and see the 2Dos. 

This Week's Spellings (Children will be tested next Friday)

Our Maths Learning

We have been finding out how to represent numbers using base 10, as well as practising counting in 100s. 

Our Topic Learning

We have explored the Stone Age in many ways so far this half term. We have explored artefacts, made clay pots, created cave painting and created artwork based on Stonehenge. 


We had a lovely time on Friday Afternoon visiting the school rabbits.
We've had 1 4 8 9 0 5 Visitors