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Friday 29th January 2021


 Friday 29th January 2021

Miss Heys

9:00 am

Join in with Just Dance below.


Copy the Statutory words into your work book.  Please ensure that you are using the cursive handwriting that we practise at school. Try and find somewhere quiet and relaxing to do your handwriting. You could even use this link to take you to the classical music we play in class while we are usually doing our handwriting.


LO: To answer questions related to sentence types.

Task 1: Look at the written work that you did yesterday.

Read through it again and edit it to make sure that your use of punctuation is correct. Do your sentences make sense?

Task 2: Open the attachment Friday 29.1.21 English and complete the task. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Send me your work on Class Dojo!



Introduction of new rule







L.O: To use words with the suffix ‘ly’


We can add the suffix –ly to a root word to make an adverb.

If the root word ends in ‘y’ then we change the y to an ‘i’ before adding ‘ly’.

If the root word ends in ‘le’ then we change it to ‘ly’.

If the root word ends in ‘ic’ then add ‘ally’.



Complete the spelling test online and send me your score on Class Dojo.


LO: To use my multiplication and division knowledge to answer questions

Starter: Complete the questions in your workbook.

1. 3 x 7 =

2. 2 x 3 =

3. 5 x 6 =

4. 4 x 8 =

5. 8 x 2 =


Open the attachment Maths 29.1.21

Complete the questions on the worksheet and send your answers to me on Class Dojo.


Watch the ‘pointillism techniques’ video below and complete the shading activity.

Purple Mash

Have some fun by logging onto Purple Mash and choose an activity to support your learning

Life Skill


Help to tidy your kitchen.

Book Time

Read your own book.



It's Friday - Let's celebrate - Parents / Carers get up and dance with your child/children

Just Dance 2018 * Waka Waka


Pointillism Techniques

Watch the video that teaches you about pointillism techniques and then have a go at the shading activity below by clicking on Art 29.1.21

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