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Reception 2-Miss Salthouse

Miss Salthouse


Our end of year show and teddy bears picnic.

We had a fantastic day on St. Anne's beach!

Today we had a fantastic trip to the beach all the children had a great day. More photos to follow

On Friday we made toast and learnt about the importance of eating breakfast. We could choose cheese, jam or butter to spread on our toast. We all spread our fillings on our toast using a knife independently.

Today we learnt about the importance of washing our hands with soap to keep us clean and healthy.

We enjoyed making and tasting fruit smoothies

We carried out an experiment plan to find which drink affects our teeth the most. We predicted which drink we thought it would be then poured different liquids onto eggshells to monitor the effect each drink has.

Spring term 2017

Stay and Play Friday 31st March at 8.45am. Come along and make some Easter crafts with your child. 

Today we were very careful holding the Chicks.

On Friday there was lots of excitement as our chicks hatched.

At the end of school there was signs of the eggs pipping. Let's see if there are any chicks hatched in the morming.

The chick eggs have settled into Reception. We are watching them closely to see any signs of the chicks hatching.

The Chick Eggs have arrived in school. In Reception we have been looking at the eggs closely to see if they are starting to hatch.

We had lots of fun tasting and making healthy snacks and drinks with our families. We all made a fruit kebab and a pitta bread pizza.

Happy New Year!!

A very warm welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The children enjoyed telling us all about what they got up to over the holidays. They have all started the new term with renewed energy, ready and eager to learn.

Please keep reading at home with your child as this is having a positive impact on their learning in all areas. We look forward to the new term and all the exciting things your child will be learning.


Please join us on Friday 20th January for stay and play from 9-10 am! We will be making and tasting lots of healthy snacks. 


Look at us having fun at our fabulous Christmas party.

We had lots of fun making Christmas crafts with our families.

Reception 1 and 2 have enjoyed creating and performing their own puppet shows!

M & M productions came to St Joseph's to perform 'Beauty and the Beast'. We all enjoyed watching and joining in!

Our Autumn disco

We had great fun at our class assembly.

Exploring Nursery climbing equipment!

Welcome to Reception 2!

Miss Salthouse & Mrs Kenyon


Welcome to our class page for Reception 2!


We have loved seeing everyone settle into school and routine. We hope your child has enjoyed coming to school in the first few weeks. 


In the first few weeks the children have played outdoors, painting, writing and everyone has taken home their own reading book. 


The class team for Reception 2 is Miss Salthouse & Mrs Kenyon.

Please feel free to come and speak to us before or after school with any questions. 



We had an exciting morning showing our parents our classroom.

Rabiya worked really hard at home to write her alphabet.

Autumn leaf printing

Information and Planning 
We've had Visitors