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Year 1/2 - Mr Donnelly

                   Mr Donnelly

My name is Mr Donnelly and I am very excited to join Year 1/2 and the team at St Joseph's Primary school!


Welcome to Year 1/2's class page, this is where you will some find key information and current learning the children are completing at the moment. We encourage positive attitudes towards learning and school life and we love to watch the children's individual achievements blossom throughout the year. 

We have been settling in to our classroom brilliantly since returning from the Summer holidays and we have loved watching the children's achievements so far. The children have been very busy; making new friends, working hard in lessons and have even made their own kilts based on the adventures of Katie Morag! 


Please ensure that children have their PE kits in school. PE is on Friday mornings. 

We're also having a big push towards reading this year. Please ensure children are reading every day to ensure a big improvement. 

Homework is given out on Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday.  


If you need to contact me for any reason please don't hesitate to come and see me. 


Mr Donnelly and Mrs Pye smiley

Our RE work on display

Year Four joined us this week as reading buddies. We really enjoyed reading to them and showing off our phonic skills.

We've had 1 5 6 0 8 2 Visitors