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Year 2A

Mrs Newton

We have had a great start to Active Week in Year 2. The children have made the most of the warm weather and completed a lot of learning outside. We have joined in sports activities, completed a mile run and took at trip Ribbleton Park to plant some seeds. We have even taken our Geography learning outside and completed some orienteering. The children have really enjoyed being out in the fresh air. 

Planting in Science

In Science this term we are learning all about the life cycle of a plant. We have planted potatoes and sunflowers so that we can watch them grow. 

Our Science Work

Our Science learning this half term has been about materials. Last week, children investigated which material would be the best insulator for an ice troll’s coat. Ask your child to explain what insulator means! 
The children worked hard to write up the investigation and explain what they did. We have some budding scientists in our class. 

Castle Competition!

Some children in Year 2 have used their experience at Clitheroe Castle to make their own model castles over the Easter holidays. We were very impressed with the entries and we could tell how hard the children had worked to make them. Some of them even had moving parts! Well done Year 2!

The children had a great time at Clitheroe Castle. They learnt lots of facts about Motte and Bailey Castles, thought about why castles were so good at protecting people from enemies and asked lots of interesting questions. They represented St Joseph‘s brilliantly. Well done Year 2!

Welcome to Year 2 A!


Welcome back to the Spring term! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The children have continued to work hard. 


In the Spring term, Year 2 will be focusing on improving our writing using conjunctions and a wider range of punctuation. We will be writing non-chronological reports and learning the story of Hansel and Gretel. We will be continuing to focus on improving our handwriting and spelling. The children have already impressed me with their beautiful handwriting! In Maths, we will be securing our knowledge of addition and subtraction. 


This term, we have lots of exciting activities planned including a visit to Clitheroe Castle to support our learning in History. 


PE for Year 2 will be on a Tuesday. Children must have their PE kit in school for these sessions. 


Children must read every night for at least 10 minutes. It will really help them with their learning.


Please come a see me at the end of the day if you have any worries or concerns.


Mrs Newton and Miss Wilcock 

Meet the Teacher Powerpoint presentation

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