Home Page

Year 2A

Mrs Tomlinson



Welcome to the Spring Term. My name is Mrs Tomlinson and I am ably supported in class by Mrs Kenyon. We hope that you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas break and are all ready to be superstar learners in 2022.



We use class dojo to reward work, behaviour and participating in class. We will also use it to communicate with you throughout the year. We can instantly share messages, updates and photos from class. It is a great way to see what your child has been up to in class. 


Your child will be given a reading book and a reading diary to bring home and read. They will need to keep their reading diary and books in their book bags to bring to school every day. Children can change books when their diary has been signed by someone at home to show they have read the book at least twice. It is important you read at least 5 minutes with your child daily. The children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school.



  • The children will be doing PE every Monday morning. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. The children will need their house T-Shirt, dark blue PE shorts and black pumps.
  • Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be put in your child’s book bag. The children are encouraged to check them each morning and give things in after the register.
  • The children will need to bring in their own water bottle to keep in class which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottle.
  • Homework will be sent out every Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday. 
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